Greetings from Our Team

While our focus is heavily on Computer Solutions and E-Learning, we tightly integrate human capital solutions as well. We have seen the best results over these years where the most successful projects were those that were implemented by teams that were functional. If not, the investment in technology does not yield the expected ROI (Return on Investment).

Especially in this 21st Century Marketplace, organizations are experiencing the mad rush to secure a place among what Darwin referred to as survival of the fittest. To be among those who meet the mark of industry competitiveness, organizations must completely reassess themselves. Where do they want to be, where are they now and what would it take to close the gap? We are here to help you through this assessment process then provide you with the tools necessary to overcome the polarizing challenge of any of today’s organizations: to provide customers with today’s cutting-edge technology and yesteryear’s neighborliness and customer care.

The major key to solving the polarization is an integration of effective and efficient human capital management strategies for superior technology and e-learning outcomes. We partner with The Joy-at-Work Center to ensure our clients enjoy the type of teams that work with purpose where their job becomes a joy that is so much more than just a paycheck!

Computer Solutions

When technology was first ushered into the workplace, the perception and thought process was … it is time to reduce the human labor force, replace them with technology and head toward as robotic an operation as possible. Shortly after technology appeared, companies realized that despite the many advantages associated with technology, it never has nor ever will replace the human touch.

Customers are now tired with the endless computerized phone and email messages and processes that strip them of any form of human contact. As such, companies became willing to keep their staff and to spend dollars on training and preparing them to deal with the many changes.

Serenity Projects is here to help you find a healthy balance between the implementation of cutting-edge technology solutions while maintaining strong emphasis on human capital.

Here Is How Serenity Projects Can Help with Computer Technology Solutions


At a time when the world is becoming smaller through melting lines caused by metamorphic changes in technology, education is also capitalizing on this opportunity. Through quality ELearning tools, training at both the corporate and academic levels are reaching learners globally.

We work with both academic and corporate organizations to create a detailed A-Z E-Learning process – a process that helps you through all implementation phases of your ELearning projects – Global Training Room for Corporations & Global Online Campuses for Education institutions. We have brought together learners into one cyberspace classroom from over 51 countries located in Asia Pacific, EMEA (Europe. Middle East & Africa) and The Americas.

We have researched and found solutions to the many hurdles associated with the attempt to synchronize learning in a very diverse world where culture, religion, government, business and so forth differ yet are similar in so many ways. We saw global corporations enjoy consistent training despite time and geography. We saw universities reach across world providing global classrooms for their students where cultures met and bonded!

Through our personalized services, we help you create and maintain very high retention levels through a type of Relational Online Model that connects your online learners with each other and their instructors in ways that are productive and lasting!

Here Is How Serenity Projects Can Help with E-Learning Solutions

Now us about your specific computer solutions and e-learning needs please.

Human Capital

Many scholars analogize the organization to that of a living organism. What is oftentimes missed is that not only must the upper echelon of constituencies in an organization enjoy financial growth. In fact for this to happen in today’s business world – all levels of the organizations from the CEO to the part-time frontline worker must feel a sense of growth, purpose, motivation and development.

Human Capital presents one of the most difficult challenges – finding the right people and holding on to them. To do this, employers now have to help employees feel a sense of ownership and value to the organization along with a feeling of security and safety. Are your employees proud to be a part of your organization? Are they motivated enough where they look forward to arriving at work the next day?

Through a detailed HRD assessment that includes evaluation of performance goals, objectives and outcomes, organizations can now link this assessment to the type of training that ensures high performance. In this way, a strong PBT (Performance-Based Training) strategy is in place to ensure high ROI (Return on Investment) on all training efforts. Training is a cost to any company – this cost must be exceeded by benefits for it to be a healthy corporate activity. After the HRD process is completed, Serenity helps launch quality training for you through it eLearning Solutions Department.

We partner with The Joy-at-Work Center for all your human capital needs.